Legacy Award Recipients
The Legacy Award is presented to women that have exemplified a life of dedicated service to Chiropractic.
March 17, 2023 RECIPIENT
Clearwater Beach, FL
Dr. Sharon Gorman

March 18, 2022 RECIPIENTS
Clearwater Beach, FL
Dr. Shawn Powers, Edie Hofmann & Dr. Cynthia Boyd

March 8, 2019 RECIPIENTS
Atlanta, GA
Dr. Deb Pogrelis & Dr. Patti Giuliano

November 2018 RECIPIENT
Dr. Carole Anne Malizia

September 24, 2016 RECIEPENT
Milan, Italy
Lynn MCAvenia

November 15, 2015 RECIPIENTS
Nashville, Tennessee
Dr. Jeanne Olm & Dr. Alana Callendar

September 12, 2014 RECIPIENT
Chicago, Illinois
Dr. Glenda Foy

March 14, 2014 RECIPIENTS
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Irene Gold & Ruth Ribley

September 27, 2013 RECIPIENTS
New York City, New York
Cathy Clum, Dr. Maxine McMullen & Rose Panico

April 12, 2013 RECIPIENTS
San Francisco, California
Dr. Marie Smith & Dr. Marilyn Smith

July 27, 2012 RECIPIENTS
Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Pat Gayman, Dr. Rebecca Ray & Patsy Sigafoose